Energy Partnership Program

State: CAResource Intensity: LowCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: EnergySupport Stage: Project Definition/Pre-Feasibility: Project Feasibility, Structuring and PreparationSupport to: Local Governments, Public Care Facilities and HospitalsType of Funding: Technical Assistance This program is administered by the California Energy Commission. Technical assistance to identify energy savings opportunities for new and existing buildings. More Information

Energy Efficiency and Solar Grants

State: WAResource Intensity: LowCo-founding: YesCost Share: VariableSector: EnergySupport Stage: ImplementationSupport to: Local Governments, Public School Systems, State Agencies, State Public Higher Education Institutions, TribesType of Funding: Grant This program is administered by the Department of Commerce . “Energy Efficiency and Solar (EE&S) Grants fund projects that save energy and reduce operational costs. Eligible applicants are…

Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program

State: CAResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: Adaptation / ResilienceSupport Stage: Project Definition/Pre-Feasibility: Project Feasibility, Structuring and PreparationSupport to: Local Governments, Landowners, Park and Open Space Districts, Resource Conservation Districts, Non-ProfitsType of Funding: Grant, Technical Assistance This program is administered by the Wildlife Conservation Board. A multi faceted program designed to provide money to projects…

Energy Conservation Assistance Act – Low-Interest Loans

State: CAResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: EnergySupport Stage: Transaction/InvestmentSupport to: Local Governments, Public Care Facilities and Hospitals, Public UniversitiesType of Funding: Loan This program is administered by the California Energy Commission. Designed to provide low interest loans to public entities to fund energy or demand cost savings. Projects include lighting upgrades, energy management systems…

Active Transportation Funding

State: CAResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: NoCost Share: VariableSector: TransportationSupport Stage: Implementation, PlanningSupport to: Local Governments, Regional Governments, Private Organizations, Natural Resource or Public Land Agencies, Non-Profits, Schools, School Districts, State Agencies, Transit Agency or Operator, TribesType of Funding: Grant This program is administered by the California Transportation Commission. ATP is a statewide program that encourages increased…

Community Challenge Grant

State: AZResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: YesCost Share: 50%Sector: Greening and Land UseSupport Stage: ImplementationSupport to: Local Governments, State Governments, Non-Profits, Schools, School Districts, TribesType of Funding: Grant This program is administered by the Department of Forestry and Fire Management. Program designed to fund projects such as tree plantings and education. Maximum award is $20,000, applications due…

Reduce Emissions from Diesels

State: ARResource Intensity: LowCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: EnergySupport Stage: ImplementationSupport to: Local Governments, Private Entities, Non-ProfitsType of Funding: Grant This program is administered by the Division of Environmental Quality. Program designed to provide funding to applicants to replace diesel equipment with upgrades to reduce emissions or replace equipment. More Information

Community Conservation Partnerships Program

State: PAResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: YesCost Share: 50%Sector: Greening and Land UseSupport Stage: Implementation, PlanningSupport to: Local GovernmentsType of Funding: Grant This program is administered by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. “Community Conservation Partnerships Program grants can fund: Planning, acquisition, and development of public parks Recreation areas Motorized and non-motorized trails River conservation and…