Coastal Incentive Grant Program

State: GAResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: YesCost Share: 50%Sector: Adaptation / ResilienceSupport Stage: ImplementationSupport to: Local GovernmentsType of Funding: Grant This program is administered by the Department of Natural Resources. More Information

Coast Community Grant

State: MEResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: YesCost Share: 25%Sector: Greening and Land Use, TransportationSupport Stage: ImplementationSupport to: Local GovernmentsType of Funding: Grant This program is administered by the Department of Agricultural, Conservation and Forestry. More Information

Green Infrastructure Loans

State: DEResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: Energy, Waste, WaterSupport Stage: Transaction/InvestmentSupport to: Government of any level, Individuals, Private Organizations, Non-ProfitsType of Funding: Loan This program is administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Eligible projects vary widely, but must fall under one of four categories: green infrastructure; water efficiency; energy efficiency;…

Clean Energy Fund

State: COResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: EnergySupport Stage: Transaction/InvestmentSupport to: Government of any levelType of Funding: Loan This program is administered by the Colorado Clean Energy Fund. In 2007, the Colorado General Assembly established the state’s Clean Energy Fund, and gave authority to the Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) to use the fund for the…

Clean Energy Bond Financing

State: CAResource Intensity: HighCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, WaterSupport Stage: Transaction/InvestmentSupport to: Government of any levelType of Funding: Bonds This program is administered by the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority. Low interest financing for alternative energy and energy efficiency in publicly owned buildings, implementing green community programs, or projects…

NREL Decision Support

State: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY, PRResource Intensity: LowCo-founding:…

Sustainable Building Design Program Loans

State: ARResource Intensity: MediumCo-founding: NoCost Share: N/ASector: EnergySupport Stage: Transaction/InvestmentSupport to: State Agencies, State Boards, State CommissionsType of Funding: Loan This program is administered by the Arkansas Building Authority, Arkansas Energy Office.  The loan program provides a funding mechanism for state agencies, boards, and commissions, including institutions of higher learning who own their own facilities…