This program is administered by the California Transportation Commission. ATP is a statewide program that encourages increased bike and pedestrian infrastructure, including increasing the number of trips made by active transpiration, safety, improving public health and provide benefits to communities, including low-income communities. Funding from ATP is used to develop community wide active transportation plans. Tribes receive full leverage points. Medium to large infrastructure projects are encouraged. Available funding is estimated to be around $460 million, and 25% of funds distributed to MPOs must benefit disadvantaged communities. Of the funds, 40% are directed towards MPOs in urban areas with populations greater than 200,000, 10% are to rural and small urban areas with populations under 200,000 people, and 50% of funding is awarded on a statewide basis (does not need to apply for money through the MPO). An additional $4 million is to be directed to the California Conservation Corps for active transportation projects. This is a reimbursement program. The City of Santa Barbara recently won a grant under this program.
State: CA
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: No
Cost Share: Variable
Sector: Transportation
Support Stage: Implementation, Planning
Support to: Local Governments, Regional Governments, Private Organizations, Natural Resource or Public Land Agencies, Non-Profits, Schools, School Districts, State Agencies, Transit Agency or Operator, Tribes
Type of Funding: Grant