City Solutions Profile: Twin Cities Metro Region Develops Growing Shade Tool for Tree Planting and Maintenance

The project provides data and resources to inform tree and canopy maintenance for the Twin Cities region. The project is a collaboration between the Metropolitan Council, The Nature Conservancy, and Tree Trust. Through working with our advisory team, we heard a desire for a resource that helps city planners, nonprofits, and other groups understand the…

City Solutions Profile: Local Policies Accelerate Solar Development in Chicago Metro Region, IL

In Illinois, state and utility policies have been a frustrating barrier to municipally hosted PV systems. Anxious to participate in the growing solar market enabled by state renewable energy legislation, municipalities found their niche in the SolSmart program. The program enables municipalities to exercise their unique authorities in guiding and regulating local development to accelerate…

USA Helpdesk and Webinar Series 2019

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) USA Helpdesk provides administrative, logistical, and technical support to signatory cities, as well as those cities interested in joining the initiative and other stakeholders. Running through February 2020, the Helpdesk will provide a series of webinars to inform and support U.S. cities, counties, and regional governments.