Reporting Platforms

Monitoring and progress reports are essential to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) initiative. The local government must inform (report) its progress to the GCoM to receive its badges and have its profile updated on our regional and global websites. Local governments are invited to report as they develop diagnostic tools such as GHG Inventories, analysis of risks and vulnerabilities to climate change, and energy access and poverty assessments; define GHG reduction goals, climate adaptation objectives, and energy goals; and plan climate actions in mitigation and adaptation, and in improving energy access and fighting energy poverty. This can be done in any order, whenever it suits the local government context; for example, a city that has already defined adaptation actions may initiate its reporting process for this sector.

Once a local government has committed to the GCoM and concluded the stages related to the assessment, definition, and planning of objectives/goals, the city must regularly monitor the progress in implementing two-year-long plans to achieve the established objectives and goals. From the beginning, a solid support system and schedule must be put in place, and it must be an integral part of two climate action plans adopted by the city. This also involves a clear mechanism for reviewing and updating two plans as necessary.

Each local city and authority accompanies implementing the climate action plan per the rules applied locally and the provisions identified in the plans. Subsequent progress reports are sent through two officially recognized reporting platforms:

Unified system for presenting CDP-ICLEI reports

My Covenant Platform

See Chapter 8 Explanatory Guide to the Common Reporting Framework to learn more.

Common Reporting Framework – CRF

Common Reporting Framework (CRF)

Description: Regardless of the methodology used to prepare their inventories, risk and vulnerability analyses, or their action plan, the CRF explains how the city should report its progress to the GCoM to receive “recognition badges”.

Topic: Reporting; Mitigation; Adaptation; Climate Action Plan; CRF

Type: Publication

Author: Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM)

Year: 2023

Guide to the Common Reporting Framework (CRF)

Description: This is an explanatory guide accompanying the Common Reporting Framework. It explains in more detail how to achieve compliance with the GCoM by reporting on your progress.

Topic: Reporting; Mitigation; Adaptation; Climate Action Plan

Type: Publication

Author: Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM)

Year: 2019

Joint Research Center (JRC) Methodology

Guide to the Sustainable Energy and
Climate Action Plan (SECAP)

Description: Based on the experience of European cities, this document provides signatories with a set of methodological principles, procedures, and recommended practices for developing their SECAP, and it is divided into three parts: Part 1 (The SECAP process, step-by-step for low carbon and climate resilient cities until 2030); (Part 2 – Emission Inventory Reference Line and Risk and Vulnerabilities Analysis); and Part 3 (Policies, actions, practical actions for mitigation and adaptation to climate change and financing of SECAPs).

Topic: Mitigation; Adaptation; Climate Action Plan; SECAP; Others

Type: Publication

Author JRC

Year: 2018

More information: EU SCIENCE HUB

Template for the Sustainable Energy
and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)

Description: This document provides signatories with a template for drafting their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs).

Topic: Mitigation; Adaptation; Climate Action Plan; SECAP; Others

Type: Tool

Author: JRC

Year: 2018

More Information: EU SCIENCE HUB

Report Template

Electronic submissions can be made on the platform My Covenant.

Guide to the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)

Description:  Methodology for Greenhouse Gas Inventories, goals, and Mitigation

Topic: Mitigation; Adaptation; Climate Action Plan; SEAP

Type: Publication

Author: Covenant of Mayors Committed to Local Sustainable Energy

Year: 2010

Benchmarks of Excellence

Description: Examples of best practices in projects, policies, and actions of the Global Covenant of Mayors in Europe.

Topic: Mitigation; Adaptation; Climate Action Plan; SECAP; Best practices

Type: Tool

Author: Covenant of Mayors


Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emission Inventories (GPC)

Description:  The methods for developing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) inventories have varied considerably to date, making comparisons between cities difficult, raising questions about data quality, and limiting the ability to aggregate GHG emissions data from local, subnational, and national governments. To enable more reliable and meaningful reporting, the Global Protocol for Community-Scale GHG Emission Inventories (GPC) offers a robust and clear framework, based on existing methodologies, to calculate and report GHG emissions across all cities.

Topic: Mitigation, GHG, inventory, emissions, greenhouse gas

Type: Publication

Author WRI, C40, ICLEI

Year: 2014

Mitigation Objectives Standard

Description: Mitigation goals commit to limiting GHG emissions to a specific level for a certain amount of data. The GHG Protocol’s Mitigation Goal Pad provides guidance for planning national and regional mitigation goals and a standardized approach to assessment and report preparation to achieve the goals.

Topic: Mitigation, Definition of Goals/Objectives

Type: Publication

Author WRI

Year: 2014

Self-Verification Tool for GHG Emission Inventories

Description: The GPC Inventory Self-Verification Toolkit, developed by C40 Cities, allows cities to assess whether their inventory complies with the requirements and principles of the GPC before being uploaded to a public communication platform.

Topic: Mitigation

Type: Tool

Author: C40

Year: 2018

City Inventory Information and Reporting System (CIRIS)

Description: CIRIS is an Excel-based tool for managing and reporting city GHG inventory data. Based on the GPC, CIRIS facilitates the calculation and transparent report of emissions for all sectors: stationary energy, transportation, waste, industrial processes and product use (IPPU), and Agriculture, forestry, and other land uses (AFOLU).

Topic: Mitigation; GHG Inventory

Type: Tool

Author C40

Year: 2019

Exploring the benefits of consistency and comparability
of citywide greenhouse gas emissions inventories

Description: A global benchmark allows comparison, benchmarking, and aggregation, in addition to promoting improvements in the quality of information and greater transparency. Robust GHG emissions inventories help cities make better decisions about targeted actions to reduce emissions and allow emissions to be monitored over time.

Topic: Mitigation; Report

Type: Publication

Author C40

Year: 2018

Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory
Development Workshop – Participant Handbook

Description: This document provides committed cities with a set of methodological principles, procedures, and recommended practices for developing their SECAP.

Topic: Climate Action Plan

Type: Publication

Author: C40

Climate action for Urban sustainability (CURB)

Description: This tool kit was developed to guide and assist cities in planning and implementing a series of activities to reduce energy use, economize money/resources, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Topic: Mitigation, Definition of Goals/Objectives

Type: Tool

Author World Bank, C40, GCoM

Year: 2014


Urban Adaptation Support Tool (UAST)

Description: The objective of the Urban Adaptation Support Tool (UAST) is to help cities, towns, and other local authorities develop, implement, and monitor adaptation plans for climate change.

Topic: Adaptation

Type: Tool

Author: Climate Adapt

Climate Action Plan

Guiding Principles for Urban Climate Action Planning

Description: The objective of the Urban Adaptation Support Tool (UAST) is to help cities, towns, and other local authorities develop, implement, and monitor adaptation plans for climate change.

Topic: Adaptation

Type: Tool

Author: Climate Adapt

Climate Action Planning Guide

Description: This document presents several significant challenges and potential solutions for channeling money from the international level to the local level, where it is most needed and likely to have the greatest impact. It sheds light on elements of two potentially suitable mechanisms for financing adaptation and provides recommendations.

Topic: Adaptation, Financing

Type: Publication

Author: Adelphi

Year: 2019

The Roles of the Private Sector in Climate Change Adaptation:
An Introduction

Description: In the context of a growing interest in engaging the private sector to support adaptation and increase resilience, this introduction highlights that companies of any size can play three different roles in and for adaptation. We can adapt to climate change, finance climate adaptation, and support through products and services for resilience.

Topic: Adaptation, Financing

Type: Publication

Author: Adelphi

Year: 2019

Bottom-Up Innovation for Adaptation Financing

Description: This article presents six innovative approaches to upward financing of adaptation in areas such as micro-insurance, financing models for irrigation systems, and smart climate information platforms. It also shares information generated by a series of professional labs on climate finance challenges and solutions.

Topic: Adaptation, Financing

Type: Publication

Author: Adelphi

Year: 2019

Energy Access and Poverty (EAP)

Urban Energy Access Toolkit for Local Governments

Description:  This practical resource aims to help local government staff and administrations define local energy poverty contexts and challenges using community stories and data, analyze systemic barriers to EAP interventions, and identify pathways to address EAP through available powers, suitable interventions, relevant stakeholders, and potential benefits.

Topic: EAP

Type: Tool

Author: Global Covenant of Mayors

Unlocking Urban Energy Access and Poverty – Summary Report

Description: To complement the Global Covenant of Mayors’ (GCoM) addition of the Energy Access and Poverty Pillar (EAPP) to its Common Reporting Framework (CRF), this report summarises global research on local governments’ barriers and potential in facilitating energy access and addressing energy poverty.

Topic: EAP

Type: Guide

Author: Global Covenant of Mayors