This program is administered by the Wyoming Energy Authority. The State Energy Office provides grants to help local governments retrofit existing buildings for the purpose of maximizing energy savings. Applicants must sign up for the Wyoming Energy Conservation Improvement Program or WYLite, a scaled down version of WYECIP. WYECIP helps support local governments with performance contracting to implement and finance energy conservation measures. Local governments apply to the Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM) and the Wyoming County Commissioners Association (WCCA) for a zero-interest lease. The State Energy Office will award grants up to $20,000 to cover the costs of the lease (or other financing if lease award is denied). The grants require a 10% cost match.
State: WY
Resource Intensity: Low
Co-founding: Yes
Cost Share: 10%
Sector: Energy
Support Stage: Implementation
Support to: Local Governments
Type of Funding: Grant