State: MD
Resource Intensity: Low
Co-founding: No
Cost Share: N/A
Sector: Greening and Land Use
Support Stage: Implementation
Support to: Local Governments, Non-Profits
Type of Funding: Grant

This program is administered by the Arbor Day Foundation. “TD Green Space Grants support green infrastructure development, tree planting, forestry stewardship, and community green space expansion as a way to advance environmental and economic benefits toward a low-carbon economy. Through the program, municipalities in the United States and Canada are eligible to receive $20,000 (USD) – $25,000 (CAD) grants in support of local forestry projects in areas of great need within a community.
The 2020 theme for the program is, “Beat the Heat: Using Green Infrastructure to Cool Down Urban Heat Islands. ”
TD Bank Group is supporting this program through its corporate citizenship platform, The Ready Commitment, which aspires to help create a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow.”