State: AR
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: No
Cost Share: N/A
Sector: Adaptation / Resilience
Support Stage: Planning
Support to: Local Governments
Type of Funding: Grant

This program is administered by the Southeast Sustainability Directors Network. “The purpose of the Southeast Sustainable Communities Fund is to accelerate the adoption of sustainable best practices in southeastern communities by funding projects that implement local sustainability solutions, while leveraging the SSDN network to help others learn from grantee experiences and success stories. ” Projects should advance sustainable best practices including demonstrating proof of concept in the Southeast context. Leveraging factors include community partnerships.

The Fund supports community partnerships working on sustainable and equitable projects in the following areas:
1. Mitigating and/ or adapting to climate change through sustainable energy and/or water initiatives 2. Fostering equity and inclusiveness 3. Leveraging community partnerships 4. Strengthening local government commitment 5. Demonstrating scalable solutions 6. Demonstrating innovation