State: SC
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: No
Cost Share: N/A
Sector: Energy
Support Stage: Transaction/Investment
Support to: Local Governments, Other Governmental Agencies, Non-Profits
Type of Funding: Loan

This program is administered by the South Carolina Energy Office. The South Carolina Energy Office offers the ConserFund Loan Program to fund energy efficiency improvements in state agencies, local governments, public colleges and universities, school districts and private non-profit organizations. The ConserFund Loan Program will fund a variety of efficiency improvements, but priority is given to projects that have a fast energy savings payback. Generally, ConserFund loans are to be used on retrofits of existing buildings. However, ConserFund may be used to finance energy recovery systems, ground source heat pumps, biomass, solar, and other renewable energy systems in new construction facilities. Organizations may finance one or multiple projects, covering up to 100% of eligible project costs, from $25,000 to $500,000. Implementation of the energy efficiency improvement must begin within six months of the loan closing and the proposed energy improvement must have long-term cost reductions to qualify.