State: PA
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: Yes
Cost Share: 10%
Sector: Greening and Land Use
Support Stage: Implementation
Support to: Local Governments, County Governments
Type of Funding: Grant

This program is administered by the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation. “Peer Grants
Peer grants are awarded to help municipalities improve their park, recreation and conservation services through a collaborative process. Projects are accomplished through contracts with experienced park, recreation and conservation professionals from nearby communities who will work closely with local leaders. Examples may include projects that form new intergovernmental recreation and park agencies (which is a high priority for DCNR); improving management of a specific facility like a community center, trail or pool; conducting an overall management assessment of an agency’s park and recreation services; park and recreation board training and development, etc.
Match: The applicant must provide at least a ten percent (10%) local cash match. Non-cash match is not accepted for Peer-to-Peer Projects.
Special Requirements and Conditions:
●Discussion with DCNR staff is required before submission of an application.
●The maximum grant award is $10,000.
●DCNR staff will work with the grantee to develop a scope of work and select the appropriate peer consultant(s).
●An elected official from each involved municipality is expected to participate in the planning process.”