This program is administered by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. “The Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition (OSWA) Grant Program provides financial assistance to municipalities and nonprofit land conservation organizations to acquire land for open space, and to water companies to acquire land to be classified as Class I or Class II water supply property. Valuable for recreation, forestry, fishing, conservation of wildlife or natural resources;
A prime natural feature of the state’s landscape;
Habitat for native plant or animal species listed as threatened, endangered or of special concern;
A relatively undisturbed outstanding example of an uncommon native ecological community;
Important for enhancing and conserving water quality;
Valuable for preserving local agricultural heritage; or
Eligible to be classified as Class I or Class II watershed land. ” Ability of the applicant to cost share and raise matching funds is looked upon favorably in the application process. Applications are due July 2020.
State: CT
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: Yes
Cost Share: Variable
Sector: Greening and Land Use
Support Stage: Implementation
Support to: Local Governments
Type of Funding: Grant