This program is administered by the NYSERDA. “Local governments are critical partners in achieving a new energy vision for New York State. As such, municipal leaders play a critical role in affecting energy choices in their communities, both in terms of government operations, and also across homes, businesses, and community institutions. The Clean Energy Communities Program provides grants, direct technical support to communities, and recognition to local governments that demonstrate leadership in the area of clean energy. NYSERDA has identified ten high-impact actions that local governments can take to save money, foster a vibrant economy, and improve the environment. Grants are up to $250,000 per municipality with no local cost share, to support additional clean energy projects. Applications are due in September 2020. Previous winners and case studies can be found on this NYSERDA website but include Lockport, Amherst, Grand Island, Avon Central School District, Eagle, Dewitt, Delaware, Clarkstown, and East Hampton among others.
State: NY
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: No
Cost Share: N/A
Sector: Energy
Support Stage: Implementation, Planning
Support to: Local Governments
Type of Funding: Grant, Technical Assistance