State: IL
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: Yes
Cost Share: 25%
Sector: Stormwater
Support Stage: Implementation
Support to: Government of any level, Conservation Organizations, Land Trust Managers, Park Districts, Private Organizations, Public Organizations, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Universities or Colleges, Watershed Groups or Land Conservancies and Trusts
Type of Funding: Grant
This program is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency. Eligible projects will provide water quality improvement through the construction of BMPs to decrease stormwater runoff prior to release into rivers, streams, and lakes. Sample projects include: Reconnection of a stream with its floodplain (e. g. , two-stage ditch, daylighting); Treatment and flow control of stormwater runoff at sites directly upstream or downstream of an impervious area that currently impacts river, stream, or lake water quality through stormwater runoff discharge;
Treatment and flow control of water generated from impervious surfaces associated with urban development (such as roads and buildings). Maximum grant is $2. 5 million, minimum is $75,000.