State: WA
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: Yes
Cost Share: 50%
Sector: Greening and Land Use
Support Stage: Planning
Support to: Local Governments
Type of Funding: Grant

This program is administered by the Department of Natural Resources. “The expanded forestry title of the 1990 Farm Bill includes authorization of the Community Forestry Assistance Program. This program was re-authorized in the most recent Farm Bill (2018) and funding has been provided to the USDA Forest Service to implement the program. The USDA Forest Service, in turn, has allocated funds to the Washington State DNR Urban and Community Forestry Program to distribute and administer.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Program is designed to partner with national and state organizations to provide a comprehensive approach to the stewardship of urban trees and forest resources. The Program provides financial support and technical assistance to plan for, plant, establish, protect, and manage trees, forests, and related resources. The intended outcome is to restore and sustain the health and quality of natural and human environments in communities statewide. Washington state urban and community forestry grants are awarded through this program to encourage community involvement in creating and supporting long-term, sustainable, resilient urban and community forestry programs at the local level.

The mission of the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Urban and Community Forestry Program (UCF) is to provide leadership and assistance to communities that are working to create self-sustaining urban and community forestry programs that preserve, plant and manage forests and trees for public benefits and quality of life.

The intent of this grant is to assist local governments, tribal governments, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and other public entities to collaborate and engage residents in urban or semi-urban areas who may be disproportionately affected by adverse environmental conditions, such as:  Excessive heat, wind, or noise  Expansive asphalt and concrete resulting in lack of greenspace and tree cover  Pollution of air, water, or soil  Flooding or erosion  Noxious, invasive, or high-risk trees and other vegetation  Limited access to trees in natural areas, gardens, parks, or other similar landscapes

These conditions may directly, or indirectly, be associated with social disparities in income, homeownership, education, access to transportation and other services, public health outcomes, and other challenges. For more information about Urban & Community Forestry’s connections to Environmental Justice, refer to Exhibit A – Urban & Community Forestry and Environmental Justice.”