State: MA
Resource Intensity: Medium
Co-founding: Yes
Cost Share: 25%
Sector: Adaptation / Resilience
Support Stage: Implementation, Planning
Support to: Local Governments, Non-Profits
Type of Funding: Grant

This program is administered by the Office of Coastal Zone Management. “Massachusetts coastal communities face significant risks from coastal storms, flooding, erosion, and sea level rise—challenges that are exacerbated by climate change. To help address these issues, CZM administers the Coastal Resilience Grant Program to provide financial and technical support for local and regional efforts to increase awareness and understanding of climate impacts, identify and map vulnerabilities, conduct adaptation planning, redesign and retrofit vulnerable public facilities and infrastructure, and restore shorelines to enhance natural resources and provide storm damage protection. Managed through CZM’s StormSmart Coasts program, grants are available for a range of coastal resilience approaches—from planning, public outreach, feasibility assessment, and analysis of shoreline vulnerability to design, permitting, construction, and monitoring. ” Up to $1 million per project can be awarded.